A blank canvas - while sometimes quite daunting, I’ve learned that it’s sometimes the most precious space of all. It’s an place to open to grace, to step in the uncertainty, vulnerability, and the subtle will that causes a spark to move into fruition and manifestation. I’ve been amazed through the years just how precious this space is with others, and creating in that space with others has made my life so full and rich. Here’s to stepping into the fire with others - forever grateful.
- Eric Mann

Unreel Films & Valley5 Productions
Produced by Anna Megan Becker, Charli Kirk, Jeanne Forster, & Eric Mann
Directed by Eric Mann
Written by Anna Megan Becker
Director of Photography - Kareem Atallah
Editor - Kaia Rose
Music - Kristian Garrett
Full credits at IMDb.
Starring Anna Megan Becker, Jennifer Cody, Grizz Chapman, Alex Kaplan, Katie McClellan, Ray DeMattis, Lindsay Ryan, Monica Espaillat, & Francesca Iannacone
A film about a girl who manifests an illness on one very eventful Wednesday.
Official selection at the New York City International Film Festival, Laguna Film Festival, Los Angeles CineFest, and The Open Door Short Film Showcase. Also, screening on ShortsTV
"We really enjoyed this well made, heartfelt story. About a women coming undone, as her hypochondriac tendencies slowly begin to take over her mind. The central performance by Anna Megan Becker is subtle and well observed, elevating this story about one persons struggles to something relatable (and more importantly, genuine) to people from all walks of life. Directed with confidence by Eric Mann."
- The Open Door

This film series captures the journey of artists as they strive to create, to express, and ultimately to find themselves; telling their story through dance. STRIVING interweaves multiple artists’ lives revealing the interconnectedness of each individual journey.
Unreel Films & Craft Film Society
Created & Produced by Gina Duci & Eric Mann
Written & Conceived by Shayla Benoit, Erica Cenci, Gina Duci, Felipe Galganni, Eric Mann, Jeffrey Nuñez, Kaia Rose, Jason Sparks, Mikita Thompson
STRIVING - Part II: Identity
"Identity" is the second part of the eight part film series that focuses on discovering who we really are amidst what “the business” tells us, and ultimately what we tell ourselves. What is it that keeps us from knowing the true gifts that we have?
Directed by Eric Mann
Choreography by Gina Duci, Felipe Galganni, Jason Sparks
Starring Gina Duci, Jason Sparks, Felipe Galganni, Anne Otto, Tiffani Robbins, Lexi Rhoades, Katie Emerson, Eric Mann, Mike Mangiamele
Director of Photography & Editor - Eric Mann
Assistant Camera - Pedro Estevez, Mike Mangiamele
Costume Design & Supervisor - Mikita Thompson
Assistant Editors - Gina Duci, Kaia Rose
STRIVING - Part IV: Connection
"Connection" is the fourth part of an eight part film series that is one aspect of the collective whole of the striving artist. "Connection" asks - who holds us in our most vulnerable moments? What connects us to ourselves, our art, our passions?
Directed by Gina Duci & Eric Mann
Choreography by Gina Duci, Erica Cenci, Michele Dunleavy
Starring Erica Cenci, Michele Dunleavy, Gina Duci, Brittney Griffin, Ryan Steer, Nathan Lucrezio, Bryan Cordes, Natasha McCandless
Director of Photography - Eric Mann
Editor - Michele Zarbafian
Assistant Camera - Pedro Estevez, Shayla Benoit

Created & Filmed by Eric Mann
This series of shorts visualizes the words of the Sufi poet Hafiz.
THE HAFIZ PROJECT brings visuals to the beautiful, awe-some, deep, and delightful poems of this great sage. Hafiz lived in the 1300's and his poems transcend time. These poems have captured the heart of many throughout the centuries.
THE HAFIZ PROJECT is an ongoing series that collaborates with different artists and storytellers to bring these poems to life - and to honor this great poet/sage.
The series has witnessed solar eclipses, National Parks, blizzards, and has been screened at multiple film festivals winning awards in direction and cinematography.
Featuring Kaia Rose, Toby Shaw, Nick Kepley, Eric Mann, & Alicia Albright.
Watch the film series HERE
Director and Choreographer - Marla Phelan
Director - Tim Richardson
Director of Photography - Eric Mann
PILLARS is a triptych video and live performance piece presented by Future Stages Festival at The Juilliard School's Center for Creative Technology.
PILLARS exists at the intersection of choreography, astrophysics, and music. Inspired by The Pillars of Creation, a stellar nursery in the Eagle Nebula, dance is woven through a landscape of stellar birth and death while exploring female identity and women as pillars in the creation of life.
Marla Phelan's choreography is enhanced by Director Tim Richardson, Composer Kian Ravaei, Video Artist REINFECTED.ME, Cinematographer Eric Mann, Video Editor Audrey Weiner of Work Editorial, who transform this galactic phenomena into monumental projections and sound score, rendering ecstatic tableaus of allegory and emotion.
PILLARS features performances by Mio Ishikawa, Ingrid Kapteyn, and Eleni Loving with lighting Design by Paul Hudson and Costume Design by Marion Talan.
Created, Written, & Produced by Adam Lendermon
Directed by Coley Campany
Choreography by Dre Lakin
Director of Photography - Eric Mann
Song by Jami Lula
Starring Adam Lendermon, Eric James Schultz, Alicia Albright, Timothy Grant Howard, Daniella “Cide” Cide, Steven Prince Tate, Drew Lendermon, Amber Shivers
HEALIN’ is a film inspired by the healing power of community. Creator Adam Lendermon asks the question how does community show up for you?

In the cutthroat world of fashion, a quirky "plus" must own her place and value as a working model, reshaping body language and the rigid unforgiving old fashion norms as a peer baffled by her presence challenges her worth within a market already crowded with too many bodies.
Unreel Films & Valley5 Productions
Executive Producer - Anna Megan Becker
Directed by Eric Mann
Written by Anna Megan Becker
Starring Anna Megan Becker, Lindsay Ryan, Ashley Pérez Flanagan
Director of Photography - Kareem Atallah
Costume Design - Mikita Thompson
Editor - Kaia Rose
See full credits at IMDb

Alyssa’s passion for nutrition and food is what ignited her to entrepreneurial spirit to start creating Meal Prep Chef. She believes that eating home cooked meals made from real, whole, unprocessed foods is the simplest way anyone can improve their health and overall well being.
Unreel Films had the joy of filming & editing many of the episodes in her web-series.
Check out all of Alyssa’s videos HERE
Created by Tanya Birl-Torres
Produced by Marcela Xavier, Tanya Birl-Torres, SoHumanity, & Bread and Yoga
Filmed & Edited by Unreel Films - Eric Mann, Pedro Estevez, Jeffrey Nuñez, Evan DeVitto, Chris McNiff
WE CAN BREATHE is a series of inspirational videos centered around Black, Indigenous, People of Color in collaboration with artists from the Uptown community. This is series is for performers and artists who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color, as well as allies committed to dismantling white supremacy in themselves, their work and the world. We Can Breathe is a project presented by NoMAA in partnership with Bread and Yoga and SoHumanity..
Watch the series HERE
Created by Natalie Weiss
Filmed by Unreel Films - Eric Mann & Pedro Estevez
Natalie Weiss is thrilled to announce the launch of her first digital course, "The Guide to Breaking Down The Riffs®." Natalie Weiss takes her teaching method back to the drawing board -- literally -- to bring you an epic, self-guided pop singing & riffing course.
For more information visit Natalie’s website HERE
LOOKING UP is a pilot that takes us on a journey of cities we know, but perhaps there is more that we miss right under our very noses. Join Evans Haile as he explores NYC’s hidden gems.
Produced, Conceived, & Written by Evans Haile
Directed by Eric Mann
Edited by Kaia Rose & Eric Mann
Directors of Photography - Eric Mann & Pedro Estevez
Sound - Greg Redlawsk
(From the Vaults & More)
Directed by Eric Mann & Alicia Albright
Filmed & Edited by Eric Mann
Starring Michael Albright & Cheryl Albright
This one is for my father-in-law. We’ll always remember you Mike!
Directors, Choreographers, & Starring - Eric Mann, Gina Duci, Johnny Stellard, Nathan Lucrezio
Filmed & Edited by Kaia Rose & Eric Mann
What should have been a romantic evening took an unexpected turn...
Written and Conceived by Adam Spiegel and Dan Wolpow
Directed by Eric Mann
Starring Toby Shaw, Melissa Zimmerman, Adam Spiegel, Eric Mann, Matthew Knowland, Jim Bilodeau
Directors of Photography Eric Mann & Pedro Estevez
Sound & Music Mixing - Jim Morgan & Jim Bilodeau
Directed, Filmed, & Edited by Eric Mann
Written by Jeremy Greenbaum
Starring Alyssa Gagarin, Jeremy Greenbaum
Sound - Greg Redlawsk
Written, Directed and Edited by Eric Mann
Assistant Editor - Johnny Stellard
Sound Design & Sound Editor - Greg Redlawsk
Original Conception - Cary Tedder
The very first film ever of Unreel Films and Eric Mann - this is what started it all!
Written and Directed by Eric Mann
Assistant Directors Karley Willocks and Darren Biggart
Starring Eric Mann, Karley Willocks, Chris Wood, Erin Burniston, Edward Schmit, Ashley Pérez Flanagan, Jeff Ostermueller, Hardy Weaver, Jamie Billings